On behalf of the California Commission on Aging, we want to thank everyone who joined us in celebrating our 50th anniversary at the Gala June 26.

As we move forward, we are eager to sustain the momentum generated by the event. Our work in housing, workforce development, behavioral health, and promoting innovative solutions continues to evolve.

Join Us!

We invite you to stay informed through our monthly newsletter, AgeWatch. Subscribe to AgeWatch Here.

You can also follow us on social media for real-time updates. Click the icons below and follow our channels @CACommissionOnAging

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Together, let’s amplify our voices and advocate for policy priorities that enhance older Californians’ health, safety, access, and opportunities. Get loud!

We look forward to continuing this journey together.


Title Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Friends of the Commission

California Foundation on Aging | Leading Age
Sacramento County Senior and Adult Services | Family Caregiver Alliance
AARP California | ACG Training and Management Company
Alzheimer’s Association | Ardella’s
California’s Women’s Law Center | CalPACE
Gerontological Society of America | Meea Kang, M.Arch
Olive Community Services | Partners in Care Foundation
USC School of Gerontology

Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Friends of the Commission

California Foundation on Aging | Leading Age
Sacramento County Senior and Adult Services | Family Caregiver Alliance
AARP California | ACG Training and Management Company
Alzheimer’s Association | Ardella’s
California’s Women’s Law Center | CalPACE
Gerontological Society of America | Meea Kang, M.Arch
Olive Community Services | Partners in Care Foundation
USC School of Gerontology

For information please email: ccoa@ccoa.ca.gov

All contributions are tax-deductible through the California Foundation on Aging after deduction of meal cost of $182 per guest.

The CCoA administers the
TRIPLE-A COUNCIL OF CALIFORNIA (TACC), representing the state's 33 Area Agency on Aging advisory councils.

To learn more visit the TACC website at tacc.ccoa.ca.gov.

Learn about the progress of the Master Plan for Aging here.

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