Commission Appointments

We encourage leaders in the aging field to apply their skills and experience in making a positive impact on California’s older adults through appointment to the Commission.

The Commission shall be comprised of actual consumers and providers of services under the federal Older Americans Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 3001, et seq.), as amended, with professional, lived, or academic expertise both within and outside of the field of aging, including, but not limited to, health, behavioral health, Alzheimer’s and related dementias, long-term services and supports, long-term care, housing, transportation, independent living, workforce development, caregiving, elder justice, information technology, and economic security, among others. The commission shall be composed of representatives of the geographic, cultural, economic, and other social factors in the state.*

To request an appointment, we suggest the following steps:

  • Apply for a Governor appointment here.
  • Contact your Speaker of the Assembly and Senator Pro Temp to request an appointment.
  • Request a nomination letter from your local Area Agency on Aging Director and/or the Chair of the Triple-A Advisory Council and ask that they copy our Executive Director, Karol Swartzlander at

Even when there are no current vacancies, we must have applicants ready when openings do occur. The commission composition requirements shall be complied with as vacancies occur. Appointments to the Commission are made by the Assembly (three persons) and the Senate leadership (three persons), as well as the Governor (12 persons). Information on the Governor’s Appointments is available here (item 6).

Please email with inquiries about the CCoA and the Commissioner role.

*Appointment to the Commission is a privilege and responsibility that is conferred upon dedicated individuals who accept the charge by the Governor and Legislature to represent the best interests of California’s older adults. It is expected, by the Commission, that by accepting the appointment the appointee has the available time to and is committed to fully participate in all Commission activities throughout their appointed term(s). Commissioners are expected to attend all meetings and to actively participate in assigned committee activities as their lack of attendance impedes the function of the Commission. A Commissioner with two unexcused or two consecutive absences from meetings per year will be called by the Commission Chair to determine the member’s interest in and ability to fulfill their commitment and trigger notification of the appointing authority. Commissioners who are unable to meet the Commission’s attendance standards [Bylaws Article III Section 03 a & b] should consider voluntary resignation from the Commission.

Review CCoA Standing Rules and Bylaws on our website.